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Learn Italian

Italian is the fourth most studied language in the world. Why? Italy is one of the countries that had a great emigration in the last century: almost 40 million people moved from Italy to Argentina, the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, France and Belgium and remained bilingual.


There is also the importance of Italian language on the cultural level: Italian literature, music, opera and art. Italy is one of the main tourist destinations in the world. Many people, even unknowingly, already know some Italian words. A lot of Italian words are often used in architecture, gastronomy and fashion. Italian is a beautiful language.

Italian as a Second Language

Standard Italian Language Courses

For our standard program, we use a communicative approach and we give an importance to interaction and collaboration among the students. 

Individual Courses | Group Courses

Business Italian

Corporate Courses for Business Professionals


These courses are for improving your Italian language and communication skills specifically for the workplace, cross-cultural understanding and business case study analysis.

Individual Courses | Group Courses | Tailor-Made Courses

Exam Preparation

Italian Language Certification


Strengthen your Italian and  get the best CELI ,  CILS and PLIDA  scores.

CELI and CILS  certifications are official titles that declare the degree of language competence.

Individual Lessons | Group Courses

Conversation Classes

Enlarge your vocabulary and range of expressions


If you are learning Italian, there's no better way to improve your speaking skills than getting involved in basic conversation exercises.

Individual Lessons | Group Courses

Mind The Language


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